Two People Shaking Hands

Our Mission

Swift County strives to develop and maintain services which connect people with opportunities to enhance their quality of life, provide for their safety and promote community growth.

Red Bell Graphic


Sign up for CodeRED Weather and Other Emergency Notices

Receive emergency notifications by telephone, cell phone, text message, email and social media for your area. 


Human Services

Applications for Cash Assistance, SNAP Assistance, Emergency Assistance, Child Care Assistance and Housing Support Assistance can be found here.

Application for medical assistance can be found here.

To report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of a vulnerable adult, call 844-880-1574.

US Passport on American Flag


Passports can be applied for in the Land Records Department in the courthouse between the hours of 8am - 4pm.

More information can be found at

Person on computer with calculator and house figurine

Property Taxes

Find property tax info here.

Sign up for automatic tax payments here.

Veteran salute

Veteran's Services

The Swift County Veterans Service Office advocates for veterans and their dependents to secure the benefits they have earned.  This includes, but is not limited to: VA medical care & transportation, service-connected disability claims & appeals, veteran home admission, optical dental and veteran relief grants. To learn more about the benefits you have earned click here.
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